buncol You did not understand me, I do not mean that you should have unprotected sex with whom you can immediately have unprotected sex or risk your life by climbing.
I mean the backlash under the title: accepting the inevitable, not wanting to forcefully fully control what we do not have full control over, and we have almost no control over anything.
Well, it is also not free and without consequences…
People with this approach tend to miss out on the success that was within their grasp because they gave up too quickly.
Well, tell me that life is not all about success“ clearance” . Well, but to have slack, you need money.
Maryla Rodowicz was also at ease and today she is struggling with her ex-husband for money.
Artists were also at ease in the times of COVID, and now many even ask for a job in the media - they compromise themselves, humiliate themselves, beg for a job.
Well, I tensed, but today I am at ease. Remote work for very good money, less stress, no need to go anywhere, plus many offers in my technology, which means that if I don't like something, I'll tell them to fuck off.
Moreover, as I already explained once in another topic;
PHP technology is so characteristic that there is a lot of remote work in it, a whole lot, it is easier to do remote work than, for example, in .NET, which is technologically heavy, has large, thick and weighty environments, Sharepoints, local networks, blah, blah, it's harder to do remote work. Among other things, that's why I rejected the offer as .NET Developer and the change of technology - because I just DIDN'T WANT TO GO TO THE OFFICE. How I realized that the idyll would end and I would have to go to the office every day and have to dress for them somehow, smile, etc. then I knew for sure that I would not do it, end of topic.
Here you are;
https://pl.indeed.com/praca?q=php%2C+zdalnie%2C+-zdalna%2C+-c%23%2C+-c%2B%2B%2C+-inspektor%2C+-radca%2C+-dyrektor% 2C + -printer% 2C + -supporteur% 2C + -analyst% 2C + -assistant% 2C + -administrator% 2C + -tester% 2C + -referent & l =
https://pl.indeed.com/praca?q=php%2C+-zdalnie%2C+zdalna%2C+-c%23%2C+-c%2B%2B%2C+-inspektor%2C+-radca%2C+-dyrektor% 2C + -printer% 2C + -supporteur% 2C + -analyst% 2C + -assistant% 2C + -administrator% 2C + -tester% 2C + -referent & l =
https://pl.indeed.com/praca?q=php%2C+zdalnie%2C+zdalna%2C+-c%23%2C+-c%2B%2B%2C+-inspektor%2C+-radca%2C+-dyrektor% 2C + -printer% 2C + -supporteur% 2C + -analyst% 2C + -assistant% 2C + -administrator% 2C + -tester% 2C + -referent & l =
A total of 419 open 100% remote job offers throughout Poland for PHP Developers. And on this topic:
when I wrote this it was 374 so it went up.
In turn, C #:
https://pl.indeed.com/praca?q=c%23%2C+zdalnie%2C+zdalna%2C+-php%2C+-c%2B%2B%2C+-inspektor%2C+-radca%2C+-dyrektor% 2C + -printer% 2C + -supporteur% 2C + -analyst% 2C + -assistant% 2C + -administrator% 2C + -tester% 2C + -referent & l =
https://pl.indeed.com/praca?q=c%23%2C+-zdalnie%2C+zdalna%2C+-php%2C+-c%2B%2B%2C+-inspektor%2C+-radca%2C+-dyrektor% 2C + -printer% 2C + -supporteur% 2C + -analyst% 2C + -assistant% 2C + -administrator% 2C + -tester% 2C + -referent & l =
https://pl.indeed.com/praca?q=c%23%2C+zdalnie%2C+-zdalna%2C+-php%2C+-c%2B%2B%2C+-inspektor%2C+-radca%2C+-dyrektor% 2C + -printer% 2C + -supporteur% 2C + -analyst% 2C + -assistant% 2C + -administrator% 2C + -tester% 2C + -referent & l =
“ just” 242 such offers, so almost 2x less.
Not to mention C ++ which is tragic in this regard; only 58 such offers for the whole of Poland.
Even in Java, which has a lot of offers, probably the most in Poland, there are 459 such offers, so not much more than the 419 in PHP.
And not extending the topic of programming; who won today The one who was a bit tense, or those who played art? And tell me that you are good at COVID. Okay, but it is not known what it looks like with your apartment, it is possible that you got it and I earned my money. And what if you didn't get it, wasn't so lucky? Where would yours lead you then“ clearance” ? No flat, a black hole in the CV for 3 years because you want to“ Chill out” . As for renting - here I also guided you a bit and you have a goal, so you slowly get more tense, but WHAT IF I did not show you this way? Then what? You could grope in the dark without knowing where you are going, time would go by - you would not accumulate capital for a second apartment, waste years without the experience included in your CV. And you would end up suffering dire consequences.
buncol but you are also exaggerating a bit with the fact that it is some black hole that cannot be covered, because I have friends who, after a long break, found a job as a programmer without any problems. Maybe the key lies in not taking breaks during work, because it actually indicates some indecision, such an employee is more likely to be fired
Well, maybe after the break, but they had experience and skills, so they took them back, and you? Without experience, skills not polished every day, it seems to you that 28 years is still time - I remember 2018 very well, when I had a good time on that forum - see how it flew, today I have 30, like a snap of your fingers and I already have 3 in front.
Colleague A. explained it well there - there is such a thing as entry gates in life - you won't get on with some of them. It's like Einstein said: each age has its own moments.
There is time for a young wife, there is time for a career, etc. This approach that I have time for everything is tremendously risky, stupid and generally untrue.
There is youth time for earning money and time when you get older, it could be that they kick me out of IT at 38 because they will prefer 10 years younger, even though he will have less skills.
That is why I am building up apartments for rent because I know and knew long ago about the existence of entrance gates, which A talked about.
Such loosening may be good, if you get a flat from your parents here, here you get a basic income from the state - okay, then it seems so… but how lucky do you have to be here?
I know what you mean with ease and I can have it, but I dose it, and I do not base my life on it, because it is highway to hell, such an approach.